Capital Needs Assessment (CNA)

Planning for Your Building’s Future
For any building owner, planning ahead is essential to ensure that their property performs optimally over time. Criterium-Lalancette & Dudka Engineers offers Capital Needs Assessments (CNA), which can be a stand-alone service or an adjunct to a Property Condition Assessment (PCA). Starting with the PCA’s detailed analysis of your building’s current physical condition, the CNA predicts the repair and replacement costs over a specified period—usually 20 years. The resulting report includes both a cumulative life-of-the-building cost projection and year-by-year estimates of future repair and replacement needs.

Educated and Realistic Insights

Our engineers are building experts who understand how buildings and their components perform over time. They know which factors can cause some components to fail sooner or last longer than expected. Backed by decades of field inspection experience and deep knowledge of building science, our Capital Needs Assessments are not only educated, but also realistic.

Reliable Capital Needs Assessments

If you need a reliable Capital Needs Assessment, Criterium-Lalancette & Dudka Engineers can provide one. Wondering if a building purchase is financially viable? Our CNA can help you evaluate long-term costs and plan for the future.

Contact us to discuss your needs, and we’ll explain how Criterium-Lalancette & Dudka Engineers can support your building’s future with a comprehensive Capital Needs Assessment.